The advert for the Amsterdam Dance Event.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2010/10/21_ADE_2010_-_..html
Remote party.
A first advert made for a new night.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2009/4/30_Remote_Clip_-_Party_advert_for_Escape_Amsterdam..html
Our third development to Genscape branding. Used at trade shows and internal purposes.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2010/1/27_Genscape_-_See_the_power..html
Remote party.
Advert made for a Firebeatz.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2010/3/31_Remote_Rembrandtplein_-_Party_with_Lucky_Charmes..html
Bright Night
A clip produced for a one of night in the Escape.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2010/8/5_Bright_Rembrandtplein_-_Party_..html
Club JV.
Advert made for Jantjes Verjaardag.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2010/5/17_Club_JV_-_Jantjes_Verjaardag_reclame..html
Hajduk football ident.
As well as the ident we put a short presentation together.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2009/12/14_Hajduk_football_-_Poljud_3D_stadium..html
Finding Salvation.
An advert we put together to promote the film. Shown in cinemas.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2009/7/12_Terminated_-_Cinema_advert..html
ADE 2009.
We return for the second year to make the ADE clip.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2009/10/12_Amsterdam_Dance_event_-_Making_ADE_sparkle..html
City Cinema.
A presentation made to pitch for an LED screen to be part of the recent renovations. Inc. the Quicktime clip.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2009/3/10_Inner_City_renovations_-_City_Cinema_Amsterdam..html
A presentation made to show how the LED screens would look in the museum.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2009/2/26_Macau_-_Science_museum_LED_wall..html
War of our Worlds.
Time to promote ourselves on the big screen. Deciding to have a 50m robot stomp around Amsterdam in the process.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2009/2/13_Dog_House_Clip_-_Self_promotion_for_a_change..html
ADE 2008.
An advert made for the Amsterdam Dance Event.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2008/10/13_Amsterdam_Dance_Event_-_Paul_van_Dyk_%26_a_fairy..html
Fit for Life.
An advert produced to advertise the chain of fitness clubs.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2009/1/20_Fit_for_Life_-_Looking_good_keeping_fit..html
Escaping New Year.
A huge new year line up deserves a huge clip.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2009/1/2_Happy_New_Year_-_Escaping_2008..html
Beatbox 2 Years.
A birthday advert we put together to promote the night we have been making clips for over the last year.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2008/11/7_Beatbox_-_2_year_anniversary..html
Zie Je Later.
After parties need adverts too.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2008/11/17_Zie_Je_Later_-_Escaping_sunlight..html
The advert made for after the Madonna concert.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2008/9/3_Madonna_-_The_afterparty..html
Bond release.
Bond montage produced for the roof screen in the Escape Lounge.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2008/8/27_James_Bond_-_Quantum_of_Heineken..html
Design to Dine.
An advert produced with the release of this book.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2007/12/17_Design_to_Dine_-_fotografie_van_Marjo_van_Rooyen.html

Escape Advert.

With the addition of a 118m2 screen to Club Escape Amsterdam, we were commissioned to produce a two minute advert.

More Escape.
To celebrate the opening of the Escape Lounge. A new party was started and this was the promo clip we produced for it.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2007/9/25_Escape_Sundaz_-_Ident.html
Ironically an advert on the big LED screen, for a company that produces LED banner screens, for football stadiums.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2007/5/21_Sport_LED_-_Football_getting_played..html
Based on the work we did for the Escape. We were asked to produce an ident for the Explore Vision Group, the owners of the 118m2 screen.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2006/12/8_EVG_-_Explore_vision_group_ident..html
Playa Nasty.
Made to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Playa Nasty we made an advert for on the big screen.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2007/4/16_Nasty_-_Cafe_Nasty_Amsterdam..html
Genscape USA.
A presentation produced for use at trade shows and for internal pruposes. Inc. the Quicktime clip.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2006/10/25_Genscape_US_-_American..html
VSS Enterprise.
A pitch made for Virgin for their Galactic project. Inc. a link to the Quicktime video.DHanimations_Blog/Entries/2006/5/8_CGi_SS1_-_VSS_Enterprise_%28Virgin_Space_Shuttle%29..html
Unless stated otherwise these films will have been displayed on the 118m2 LED screen on the Rembrandtplein Amsterdam.